14 Ocak 2014 Salı


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MarketGlory is an economic, political, social and military simulator where you can convert your virtual currency into real money.

Each player from the MarketGlory community has the opportunity to: work, set up companies, run for the government, recommend referrals, gain military ranks and build their own organization.
The road to success in MarketGlory is achieved through a personal strategy by each player in the community. There is no time limit, some will reach objectives sooner than others. It is important to be present in MarketGlory and develop something that gives you satisfaction in this game. Success is the result of an activity which is based on action and perseverance. In every field of life, those who do not give up will certainly reach all their goals.
Therefore, success in MarketGlory can give you a substantial income in real life.
Money does not bring happiness, but their number does.


Why is it important to have energy in MarketGlory?
  • Depending on the energy level you receive fight bonuses;
  • Energy is an important factor in calculating productivity;
  • Depending on the energy level you get a percentage of your referrals earnings;
  • Attack and defense are influenced by the energy level.
Energy increases when goods are consumed. For example, a lower quality food will bring an increase of 1 in your energy level. On the other hand, a high-quality food will give you 5 points of energy; the quality of the consumed goods is very important in MarketGlory. Energy increases when you eat or you have: coffee, clothes, articles, houses, wine, milk or cheese.
How much energy do you get?
  • 1 for lower quality
  • 3 for normal quality
  • 5 for high quality
The food is consumed four times a day, at: 3.15, 9.15, 15.15 and 21.15 server time (+2 GMT). The food can be bought either from the local market (with local currency), or from the global market (with Gold). After you have bought the food, you can see how many products you have on stock from the menu Profile/Inventory.
  • 1 per day for low quality
  • 3 per day for normal quality
  • 5 per day for high-quality.
Note that clothes last for 10 days. The clothes can be bought either from the local market (with local currency), or from the global market (with Gold). After you have bought the clothes, you can see how many products you have on stock from the menu Profile/ Inventory.
  • 1 for lower quality coffee
  • 3 for normal quality coffee
  • 5 for high quality coffee
The coffee can be consumed whenever you wish. The coffee can be bought either from the local market (with local currency), or from the global market (with Gold). After you have bought the coffee, you can see how many products you have on stock from the menu Profile/ Inventory.
  • 1 for lower quality Milk
  • 3 for normal quality Milk
  • 5 for high quality Milk
The Milk can be consumed once a day and it offers the energy points when you buy it. The Milk can be bought either from the local market (with local currency), or from the global market (with Gold).
  • 7 house
  • 20 Villa
  • 35 Palace
The houses last for 30 days. The houses can be bought either from the local market (with local currency), or from the global market (with Gold). After you have bought the houses, you can see how many products you have on stock from the menu Profile/ Inventory.
Articles: You get 0.3 points of energy for each article you buy, up to 10 articles a day. The articles can be bought from the Home page.
Wine: It gives the points of energy shown when you buy it. The wine can be consumed once a day and it gets stronger on stock, with 0.1 points of energy every 12 hours. The wine can be bought only from the local market (with local currency). After you have bought the wine, you can see how many products you have on stock from the menu Profile/ Inventory.
Cheese: The Cheese is consumed whenever you decide. When the Cheese is consumed, you receive 50 points of energy. You can have up to 10 Cheese pieces each day.
For clothes and houses, the energy is distributed each hour, for the whole day. For instance, for q1 clothes, you will receive 1/24 points of energy each hour, for q2 clothes – 3/24 points of energy, and for q3 clothes – 5/24 points of energy each hour. The same, for a house you will receive each hour 7/24 points of energy, for a villa – 20/24 points of energy and for a palace – 35/24 points of energy.
How does energy decrease?
Energy decreases by 5% per hour, by 10% when you fight and 50% when you work.
A high energy level allows you to earn more, and to receive higher taxes from your referrals activity.
WARNING! It is very important to correlate the costs with the income. It is not a good thing for everyone to have a high energy level.
Energy can reach up to 100.


Why is it important to have knowledge in Market Glory?
Knowledge is an important factor in calculating productivity.
When buying books, depending on their quality you will get knowledge as follows:
  • Low quality Book  = +1 Knowledge,
  • Normal quality Book = +3 Knowledge,
  • High quality Book = +5 Knowledge.
The Knowledge decreases each day by:
  • 0.2 points if your Knowledge is between 1 and 100,
  • 0.4 points if your Knowledge is between 100 and 500,
  • 0.6 points if your Knowledge is between 500 and 1000.
The books can be bought either from the local market (with local currency), or from the global market (with Gold). After you have bought the books, you can see how many products you have on stock from the menu Profile/ Inventory.


Why is productivity important in Market Glory?
Productivity is the citizen's ability to produce goods for the companies they work for.
Productivity is calculated using the formula: Energy + Experience + Knowledge / 3.
  • Energy can increase up to 100.
  • Experience can increase up to 1900.
  • Knowledge can grow up to 1000.
The maximum productivity is 1000 and depending on it, you will receive your salary or the working bonus. In the Work section you will find the level of productivity per hour.


Why is it important to have work experience in Market Glory?
Experience is an important factor in calculating productivity.
The experience level increases each time you work. If you work day by day, it will grow up.
When working, the Experience will increase as following:

- for 0 referrals - by 0.7 points per day;
- for 1 active referral - by 1 point per day;
- for 2 active referrals - by 1.5 points per day;
- for 3 active referrals - by 2 points per day;
- for 4 active referrals - by 2.5 points per day;
- for 5 or more active referrals - by 3 points per day.
You can buy experience in amount of:
  • 0.5 euro for each experience point when you have between 1 and 100 experience points,
  • 0.45 euro for each experience point when you have between 100 and 500 experience points,
  • 0.4 euro for each experience point when you have between 500 and 1900 experience points,
The money from purchasing experience points are transferred to the Government Funds of the country you are citizen of.
The experience points fall each day by 0.3%.
The level of experience can be seen in the Work menu.


In this section the opponents available for fighting are presented. If you win a battle you will receive the bonus offered by the Government according to the energy you have. Remember that the loser becomes your referral until the end of the day and he will pay you taxes. If you want to be sure that you will not lose that referral, you can block him for as long as you want. A fight lasts for 10 minutes, during which you cannot be attacked and you cannot open new fights. For each fight you are involved in, your energy decreases by 10%.
You can also see your fight history, where all the fights you were involved in are shown. Beware that if you have weapons, they will also be consumed in these fights for referrals. A referral can be blocked for at least 30 days, for the price of 0.8 Euro. The referrals can be blocked from the Referral/ Free referrals menu.

Fight – Referral Fight

In this section the opponents available for fighting are presented. If you win a battle you will receive the bonus offered by the Government according to the energy you have. Remember that the loser becomes your Referral until the end of the day and he will pay you taxes. If you want to be sure that you will not lose that referral, you can block him for at least 30 days, at a cost of 0.8 Euro. For each fight you are involved in, your energy decreases by 10%.
A fight lasts for 10 minutes, during which you cannot be attacked and you cannot open new fights. Remember that if you have weapons, they will be consumed in the Referral Fights. Players are sorted by last login descending, defense descending and energy descending modes.

Fight – Fight History

Here are the battles that you fought. You can attack 10 times each day. A fight lasts for 10 minutes, during which you cannot be attacked and you cannot open new fights. Remember that if you have weapons, they will be consumed in the Referral Fights. If you win a battle you will receive the bonus offered by the Government according to the energy you have.
Remember that the loser becomes your Referral until the end of the day and he will pay you taxes. If you want to be sure that you will not lose that referral, you can block him for at least 30 days, at a cost of 0.8 Euro. For each fight you are involved in, your energy decreases by 10%.

The Medals Fund Assets

Here you can see the Medals Fund. This fund will consist of 10% of the incomes of all the governments, and it will be distributed to the users who take part in the wars, depending on the medals they obtain. It is a global fund, which will allow users to receive bonuses for the medals they obtained in the wars.

Convert Medals

From this menu you can exchange the medals you own. You can see here all the medals you own which are available for exchange, and the exchange rate.

Sell Medals

From this menu, you can sell the medals you have obtained in the wars. You can see all the medals you own which are available for sale. The medals' prices are in Euro and it varies depending on the fluctuation of the Medals Fund.

Fight – Arena

In the Arena you can fight with the citizens of MarketGlory who have overcame the civilian rank. In order to fight, you need at least one weapon of attack, one of defense and 5 points of energy. The fights take place instantly and, depending on your evolution in the Arena, you will receive points and military ranks. Each day you receive a bonus in euro, depending on your military rank. In order to receive de bonus, at the end of the day (12.00 +2GMT) you need to have at least one weapon of attack, one of defense and 5 points of energy.
The weapons are consumed automatically, for each battle you take part in, no matter if it is a fight in the Arena or a fight for referrals, and no matter if you attack or you are attacked. The weapons last as following: q1 – 5 fights, q2 – 15 fights and q3 – 25 fights.

Arena – Fighters

In this section, you have a list of all the Fighters in the Arena, and you can see their Ranks, their Energy levels, and the number of attacks they received. You can also preview a Fight with each of them, if you click on the Preview button. You can also search a fighter by country, by Rank or by username, if you use the Advanced Search option.

Arena – Bonuses

In this section, you have a list of all the Ranks in the Arena. If you hold the mouse on each of these Ranks, you will see the necessary points to obtain that Rank, how many times a user can be attacked a day, depending on his Rank, how many points you receive if you defeat a user having that Rank and how many points you lose if you are defeated by a user having that rank. In order to receive de bonus, at the end of the day (00.00 server time, +2GMT), you need to have at least one Weapon of Attack, one of Defense and 5 points of energy.

Arena – Top

In this section, you have a Top of the Arena Fighters, sorted by the Arena Bonus they have received as a result of their activity in the Arena.

Arena – Transactions

In this section, you have a list of all the Transactions that take place in the Arena Fund.

Arena – Assets

In this section, you can see the contribution of each country to the Arena Fund.

Fight / War

You can select a country to attack. If the country is not at War, you can open a War against that country. The War can be opened only by the Leader or the Veterans of an Organization, and it costs 5 Gold. You can also take part to an on-going War. In order to take part as an Attacker, you must be a member of the Organization that attacks and you must travel to that country, but in Defense you can also participate as a Freedom Fighter. In order to participate in the War, you need at least one Weapon of Attack, one Weapon of Defense and 20 points of Energy. The title of Emperor will be given to the leader of the attacking organization, when the attack wins the war. The Emperor will receive a 25% influence bonus, regardless if he participated or not in the war. This bonus will be given to him at the end of each war, as long as he has influence over that territory, meaning that the territory is not conquered by another country, through attack. You can uncrown the Emperor of a country if you conquer it through attack, in order to benefit from the 25% influence bonus. Therefore, even if the country is implicated in consecutive wars, won by the defense, the Emperor will receive the 25% bonus at the end of each war. All the territories will have a base defense of 100.000 points, no matter whose influence they are under. You can defend a territory without being a citizen of the country which has influence over that territory, and you can earn the Warfund of that country. If the war is won by the defense, 75% of the Warfund will be distributed to the fighters from defense, depending on the damage they made in the war. You can choose daily from the numerous wars in MarketGlory. You can build a successful military career, fighting day by day. The more wars you take part in, the more medals you can obtain, and you can obtain a higher military rank, which will allow you to create a greater damage in the future wars. The ranks in the Arena and the weapons you own will also determine the damage you create in a war.
All the citizens in MarketGlory who are not members of an Organization that attacks, can participate in defense, as Freedom Fighters, if they travel to that country. You can defend a territory without being a citizen of the country you defend, and even if your country does not have influence over that territory. If you win a war as a Freedom Fighter in defense, the country will remain under the influence of its native citizens or under the influence of the country which defeated it in a previous war. The Warfund will be distributed just once, at the end of the war. After the war ends, the country will benefit from protection for 7 days. During this period, the Warfund will accumulate, and when the country is involved in another war, the fund will be distributed again to the winners.

Work – Workplaces

Here you will find the available workplaces. Your wage will be calculated according to your Productivity. For each day of work you will receive the wage and Experience Points. If you work day by day, it will grow up. You can buy experience in amount of:
  • 0.5 euro for each experience point when you have between 1 and 100 experience points,
  • 0.45 euro for each experience point when you have between 100 and 500 experience points,
  • 0.4 euro for each experience point when you have between 500 and 1900 experience points,
The money from purchasing experience points are transferred to the Government Funds of the country you are citizen of. The experience points fall each day by 0.3%.
Remember that for 3 consecutive days of work you will receive also The Work Bonus from The Government. You can only work once in 24 hours. In order to receive the work bonus, you need to work for 3 days in a row. If you skip one day, the bonus will not be given, until the 3 days in a row are completed. The Workplaces are sorted by the salary given by the company. The salary is displayed for 8 hours of work, for maximum productivity (1000). The salary you receive can be calculated using the following formula: (the displayed salary * your productivity)/ 1000.

Local Market

In this section you can see all the offers of the companies from the country you are in and the available business licenses. Note that the products are sorted by category and quality. Raw materials and licenses can be purchased only by companies. You can buy from the local market only using the local currency of the country. If you want to see more information about a specific type of product, click on it.

Global Market

In this section you can see all the offers of the companies from outside the country and the available business licenses. Note that the products are sorted by category and quality. Raw materials and licenses can be purchased only by companies. You can buy from the local market only using Gold. You cannot buy products from your own country on the Global Market. If you want to see more information about a specific type of product, click on it.

Financial market

In this section you can convert your Euros into any currency you own. Note that in MarketGlory there are over 80 currencies and each country operates with its own currency. The exchange rate is fluctuating and increases/ decreases with every buying / selling of euro or gold. You can develop your broker abilities on the financial market and obtain profits by transactions with the national currencies. Note that for every transaction on the financial market, you will pay a tax of 3% of the value of the transaction, and this fee is paid exclusively in Gold. This tax goes to the Partners’ fund.

Referral Auction

In this menu you can find the referrals put for auction. The initial term of an auction can be between 1 and 7 days. During the auction, if a user bids in the last 3 minutes before the auction ends, the term of the auction will be prolonged with another 3 minutes. The price is in Gold.

Company Auction

In this menu, you can find the companies put for auction. The initial term of an auction can be between 1 and 7 days. During the auction, if a user bids in the last 3 minutes before the auction ends, the term of the auction will be prolonged with another 3 minutes. When you bid, you are withdrawn the bidded sum from the account. If someone outbids you, the sum is given back into your account. The prices for companies are in Gold. The free companies cannot be put for sale.


In this section you can set up companies and manage them. Setting up a company costs 10 euros. You will get a workplace and a license for 90 days. Opening a newspaper is free. There are 26 types of companies: newspaper, raw material companies and products companies. For each company from this menu, there is a description (the raw materials needed and the goods that can be produced).

My companies - Inventory

In your inventory menu you can view the raw material stock, the finished products stocks and the costs of their production or acquisition. Also, in this section you have the option to put goods on sale to be displayed in the country market where the company is established. You can also decide on selling goods on the global market. In the “Production and Sales” section you can see who worked for your company and how many goods you have sold. Also, if you have a real estate in your inventory, you can choose whether to occupy it or rent it to other users.

My companies - Workplaces

In this section you can create new jobs. Creating a new workplace costs with 0.25 euro more than the previous. Each job can be administrated individually, with the possibility to establish the salary offered and to suspend or activate a job.

My companies - Work records

In this section you can view a list of citizens who have worked for your company, the time when they have worked, the productivity they had and also the salary that the company has paid to the citizen.

My companies - Financial

Each company has its own budget. In this section you can invest and withdraw money from the company. In the company you can invest and withdraw gold.
After you have invested gold you can change the company money in the local currency of the country where the company was founded.
When you want to withdraw money from the company, buy gold within the company and withdraw gold. Note that for any withdrawal you will pay a tax of 5%.
Finance Transactions
In this section you have a list of all the transactions made by the company.

My companies - Licenses

In this section you can view what licenses you can purchase for your company. Also, each license is explained in detail, how many productivity points are required and how much raw materials you need for the products. When you have a valid license or you purchase a license, the date when this license expires will be displayed. Each license is valid for 90 days. From the company you can extend the license or buy a new one. Even if a license expires you can still sell products in stock, but you will not be able to produce goods anymore. Each type of company allows specific license purchase.
Licenses for consumer goods are divided into three categories, depending on quality.
In the market licenses section, you can read all the details for the licenses, such as productivity needed to produce the goods, raw materials necessary for the goods and the goods’ quality. When you purchase a license money will go to the country’s government where the business is created.

My companies - Settings

From the “Settings” menu, you can change the description of the company and the logo.

My companies - upgrade

Companies can be upgraded to produce goods at lower costs and thus your company can be more efficient on the market. There are 5 levels of upgrade:
  • Upgrade 1 = 10% productivity = 10 euro
  • Upgrade 2 = 20% productivity = 30 euro
  • Upgrade 3 = 30% productivity = 70 euro
  • Upgrade 4 = 40% productivity = 150 euro
  • Upgrade 5 = 50% productivity = 310 euro
You can rent an upgrade for your company, on a determined period of time from the “30 days upgrade” sub-menu. When you rent an upgrade, you will not be able to rent or buy another one, for as long as the renting is valid. The upgrade renting takes into account the level of upgrade which has been bought. The prices for renting are the following:
  • Upgrade 1 = +10% productivity = 0.5 euro
  • Upgrade 2 = +20% productivity = 1.50 euro
  • Upgrade 3 = +30% productivity = 3.50 Euro
  • Upgrade 4 = +40% productivity = 7.50 Euro
  • Upgrade 5 = +50% productivity = 15.50 Euro

Make new company

Setting up a company costs 10 euros. You will get a workplace and a license for 90 days. Opening a newspaper is free. There are 27 types of companies. For each company from this menu, there is a description (the raw materials needed and the goods that can be produced).

Company Auction

In this menu, you can find the companies put for auction. The initial term of an auction can be between 1 and 7 days. During the auction, if a user bids in the last 3 minutes before the auction ends, the term of the auction will be prolonged with another 3 minutes. When you bid, you are withdrawn the bidded sum from the account. If someone outbids you, the sum is given back into your account. The prices for companies are in Gold. The free companies cannot be put for sale.

Organizations – Local Organizations

In this section, you can see a list of the Organizations from Your Country. You can apply to become a member only for the Organizations in your country. In order to become a member, your application must be accepted by the Leader of the Organization.

Organizations – Members

Here you can see all the members of the Organization to which you belong. You can sort the members by their level (Veterans, respectively Fighters). You also have a list of all the applications for the Organization to which you belong. Moreover, you can see the Organization Fund, and you can distribute it or you can invest Gold. The distribution can be made only by the Leader or the Officers, while the investment can be made by any member.

Organizations – Barracks

In this section you can see the levels of Upgrade which can be made by your Organization, and the costs corresponding to each level. The Upgrade can be done only by the Leader of the Organization and it is active for a month, but it can be extended anytime. For an inferior level of the Organization, the members will remain the first available, ordered by the total generated damage in the Organization.

Organizations – Territories

Here you have a list of all the territories under your influence. You can also view the Organization Fund, and to distribute it or invest Gold in it. The distribution can be done only by the Leader and the Officers, while the investitions can be done by any member.

Organizations – War

Here you can see the list of the Wars in which you took part as an Attacker (War history). You can also view the Organization Fund, and to distribute it or invest Gold in it. The distribution can be done only by the Leader and the Officers, while the investitions can be done by any member.

Organizations – Financial Assets

In this section you have a list of all the currencies from the Organization Fund. The Leader and the Veterans of the Organization can change the currencies on the Financial Market. Moreover, you can see the Organization Fund, and you can distribute it or you can invest Gold. The distribution can be made only by the Leader or the Officers, while the investment can be made by any member.

Organizations – Transactions

In this section you have the list of all the transactions which take place in the Organization Fund. Moreover, you can see the Organization Fund, and you can distribute it or you can invest Gold. The distribution can be made only by the Leader or the Officers, while the investment can be made by any member.

Government - Members

In this section you can see the Government members or you can run for Government in the country where you have your citizenship. All the MarketGlory citizens who have at least 25 points of energy will be able to run for government. Only the citizens who have at least 5 points of energy will be able to vote.
Depending on the number of the votes, those who are on the first 8 places will become a part of the government. The first one will be Prime-Minister and the others will be Governors. The Prime-Minister will have 3 votes in the Government, and the other Governors will have 1 vote. The Government will be able to vote for laws through wich to modify the level of the bonuses and the global taxes. The members of the Government will also be able to exchange currencies for the national budget, on the Financial Market.
The elections take place on the 1st of each month. Each citizen of MarketGlory can stand as a candidate four days before the elections. The Ministers will receive a weekly salary, from the Ministers Fund. The fund consists of 5% of the governments incomes, and it will be distributed each Monday, at 23.55, as following: 30% of the fund to the Prime-Minister, and 10% of the fund to each of the Ministers.

Government – Candidates

In this section you can run for Government in the country where you have your citizenship.
All the MarketGlory citizens who have at least 25 points of energy will be able to run for government. Only the citizens who have at least 5 points of energy will be able to vote.
Depending on the number of the votes, those who are on the first 8 places will become a part of the government. The first one will be Prime-Minister and the others will be Governors. The Prime-Minister will have 3 votes in the Government, and the other Governors will have 1 vote. The Government will be able to vote for laws through wich to modify the level of the bonuses and the global taxes. The members of the Government will also be able to exchange currencies for the national budget, on the Financial Market.
The elections take place on the 1st of each month. Each citizen of MarketGlory can stand as a candidate four days before the elections. The Ministers will receive a weekly salary, from the Ministers Fund. The fund consists of 5% of the governments incomes, and it will be distributed each Monday, at 23.55, as following: 30% of the fund to the Prime-Minister, and 10% of the fund to each of the Ministers.

Government – Law Proposals

In this section, you can see all the Law proposals in your country. If you are a Government member, you can propose laws through which you can modify the level of the bonuses and taxes. If the law is voted by the majority, meaning 50% + 1, the law will be allowed.

Government – Accountancy

Government funds available in the country fund represents the country's current assets. Financial operations in local or foreign currency can be performed only by government members, but all players are able to view the data.
In this section you will find all currencies held by the government

Government – Bonuses

In this section are the bonuses offered by the government. Note that these bonuses arise from fees paid by the citizens of the country and they can be modified anytime by the Government members.

Government – Transactions

Government funds available in the country fund represents the country's current assets. Financial operations in local or foreign currency can be performed only by government members, but all players are able to view the data.
In this section you will find all currencies held by the government

Government – Current Taxes

In this section are the fees and taxes that the citizens of the country pay to the government. You are paying fees and taxes to the government of the country you have citizenship.

Government – Global Taxes

In this section are the fees and taxes that the citizens pay for selling products on the Global Market. These taxes are paid in Gold, and they are distributed to the GM Fund. The GM Fund is then redistributed to all the countries in MarketGlory. Note that the Government members can change the quantum of these taxes, anytime, through Law proposals.

Government – Warfund

In this section, you can see the War Fund. Each country has a War Fund, which consists of 30% of the total income. Those who win a war will receive the War Fund of the conquered country at the end of the war.

Minister's Fund Transactions

This menu presents list of all the transactions in the Minister's Fund, which will be distributed to the governors, as salaries. The fund consists of 5% of the governments incomes, and it will be distributed daily, as following: 30% of the fund to the Prime-Minister, and 10% of the fund to each of the Ministers. All the MarketGlory citizens who have at least 25 points of energy will be able to run for government. Only the citizens who have at least 5 points of energy will be able to vote.

GM FUND Transactions

In order to help the countries develop we have created a special fund which will be split each day to the countries in the game. The GM Fund will be distributed only to the countries which have less than 30 Gold in financial assets, in total (regardless the currencies from the budget) and which received no more than 3 allocations fund from distribution in the past 30 days. The Fund will be distributed equally to all the countries that meet this requirement. Taxes paid by companies when users purchase goods in Global Market will be saved to this fund. Below you can see all the incomes of the GM Fund.

GM Fund allocations

In order to help the countries develop we have created a special fund which will be split each day to the countries in the game. The GM Fund will be distributed only to the countries which have less than 30 Gold in financial assets, in total (regardless the currencies from the budget) and which received no more than 3 allocations fund from distribution in the past 30 days. The Fund will be distributed equally to all the countries that meet this requirement. Taxes paid by companies when users purchase goods in Global Market will be saved to this fund. Below you can see all the incomes of the GM Fund.

Affiliates – Statistics

Place your affiliate’s link on forums, blogs, message board of different chat or IM application, or send it by email. All the people are signing in become referrals to you over a period of 100 days, extendable to block at a cost of 0.8 euro for another 30 days. They will pay 20% tax on each income, depending on your energy. When a referral deposits in euro in his game account, you will receive a 10% interest of amount deposited.
Remember that for each referral who signed up on your Affiliates link, you will receive 0.1 Affiliates points per day, for a month from the registration, if your referral is active and gives at least 5 fights a day. The Affiliates Fund will be distributed once a month, on the 20th of each month, and you will receive a bonus in Euro for the integer points you have obtained during that month.
On the 21st of each month, 200 Euro will be exchanged from Affiliates/ Financial Assets. Also, for the first investment of your referrals in the first month from registration, no matter what the invested sum is, you will receive 10 Affiliates points. In Top subsection you can see the current point value, updateable upon current user points. Here you can see the number of users who accessed your Affiliates link, the number of registrations, and the sign up rate, and you can select the month for display.

Advertising Banners

You can choose banners from this section, in order to promote your affiliates link.

Referrals Activity

Here is a list of the referrals who registered on your Affiliates link since the beginning of each Affiliates contest.

Affiliates – Top

Here you have a list of the users, depending on the number of integer points obtained in the Affiliates contest. You can also see the value of each integer point.

Affiliates – Transactions

Here is a list of all the incomes of the Affiliates fund.

Affiliates – Financial Assets

Here is a list of the sums collected by the Affiliates Fund.


In this section you can buy MarketGlory game shares.
When the balance reaches 10,000 euros you will receive 1 cent for each share you hold. You can sell and buy shares from other players. The gold balance is exchanged in Euro.
Euros are added to the game fund balance when:
  • a company is created
  • a workplace is created
  • a withdrawal from the game is made (20% from the withdrawal)
  • a fight is immediately ended
  • shares are bought
These appear as negative transactions in fund:
  • 10% from the amount invested for the country which holds the citizenship of the citizen who invests in his account
  • 10% from the amount invested for one who owns the citizen who has invested in his account
Those negative transactions are covered by the 20% commission applied on the withdrawals from MarketGlory account.

Partners – Transactions List

Whenever the citizens open companies or upgrades them, buy licences, create jobs, block referrals, have a quickfight or a quick travel all payments are saved in shares fund. The Partners Fund Gold balance will be regularly exchanged in euro. When this fund riches 10.000 Euro, it is distributed to shareholders depending the amount of their own shares. Here you can see all the incomes to the Partners' fund.

Partners – Shares Market

Here are all the shares for sale. Their price is in Euro.

Partners – Shareholders

Here is a list of all the Shareholders, sorted by the number of shares they own.

Partners – My shares

Here is a list of your shares and you can put them for sale, on the Shares market.

My inventory – Profile

Here you can check and update your profile.

My inventory – Transactions

In this section you can see all your transactions, and you can sort the transactions by currencies: Euro, Gold or Other currencies.

My inventory – Assets
In this section are presented all your financial and non-financial assets (companies, shares).

Blocked Referrals:

In this section are the referrals you have. You gain a referral if you challenge an opponent to fight and win the fight. You lose a referral when he loses a fight. Your referrals will pay a fee up to 20% of their earnings, according to the energy level you have (higher energy = higher earnings). You receive 10% of their incomes, no matter what your energy level is, and the rest of 10% will be given to you depending on your energy level. If you block a referral, he cannot be attacked.
A user who registers through your affiliate link will become your referral, blocked for 100 days. You can block a referral for 0.8 euro per month.

Free referrals

In the list below are the referrals you have. You gain a referral if you challenge an opponent to fight and win the fight. You lose a referral when he loses a fight. Your referrals will pay a fee up to 20% of their earnings, according to the energy level you have (higher energy = higher earnings). You receive 10% of their incomes, no matter what your energy level is, and the rest of 10% will be given to you depending on your energy level. If you block a referral, he cannot be attacked.
A user who registers through your affiliate link will become your referral, blocked for 100 days. You can block a referral for 0.8 euro per month.

Auction Referrals

From this menu, you can put your referrals for auction. You can put for auction any referral from your blocked referrals list, who has logged in the last 3 days, who is blocked by the master for at least 7 days and who is not currently put for auction. When you register a referral for auction, you will pay a registration tax of 25% out of the starting price, to the Partners' Fund. When the auction ends, a tax on the transaction income of 25% out of the difference between the final price and the starting price is paid to the Partners' Fund. The initial term of an auction can be set between 1 and 7 days, when the referral is put for auction, regardless of the starting price and the registration tax. During the auction, if a user bids in the last 3 minutes before the auction ends, the term of the auction will be prolonged with another 3 minutes.

On-Auction Referrals

From this menu, you can put your referrals you have put for auction. You can put for auction any referral from your blocked referrals list, who has logged in the last 3 days, who is blocked by he master for at least 7 days and who is not currently put for auction. When you register a referral for auction, you will pay a registration tax of 25% out of the starting price, to the Partners' Fund. When the auction ends, a tax on the transaction income of 25% out of the difference between the final price and the starting price is paid to the Partners' Fund. The initial term of an auction can be set between 1 and 7 days, when the referral is put for auction, regardless of the starting price and the registration tax. During the auction, if a user bids in the last 3 minutes before the auction ends, the term of the auction will be prolonged with another 3 minutes.

My inventory – Food

In this section, you can see all the Food you have in your Inventory. The Food is consumed every 6 hours, at 03.15, 09.15, 15.15, 21.15 server time. When the Food is consumed, you receive the points of energy corresponding to each quality:
  • Low Quality - 1 point,
  • Normal Quality - 3 points
  • High Quality - 5 points
If you have Food of different qualities, the first to be consumed will be the one of superior quality. You also have a timer, which shows the time left until the next meal is taken. The energy decreases by:
  • 5% each hour
  • 10% when you fight
  • 50% when you work

My inventory – Coffee

In this section, you can see all the Coffee you have in your Inventory. The Coffee is consumed whenever you decide. When the Coffee is consumed, you receive the points of energy corresponding to each quality:
  • Low Quality - 1 point,
  • Normal Quality - 3 points,
  • High Quality - 5 points
If you have Coffee of different qualities, the first to be consumed will be the one of superior quality. You can have an unlimited number of Coffees each day. The energy decreases by:
  • 5% each hour
  • 10% when you fight
  • 50% when you work

My inventory – Clothes

In this section, you can see all the Clothes you have in your Inventory. The energy for Clothes is distributed each hour. Therefore,
  • for Low Quality Clothes you will receive each hour 1/24 points of energy,
  • for Normal Quality Clothes you will receive 3/24 points of energy each hour,
  • for High Quality Clothes you will receive 5/24 points of energy each hour
The Clothes last for 10 days since buying. If you have Clothes of the same type, they will be consumed consecutively, starting with the ones of superior quality. If you have Clothes of different types, they will be consumed altogether. The energy decreases by:
  • 5% each hour
  • 10% when you fight
  • 50% when you work

My inventory – Books

In this section, you can see all the Books you have in your Inventory. You can read only one Book in 24 hours. You will receive
  • 1 point of Knowledge for Low Quality Books,
  • 3 points of Knowledge for Normal Quality Books
  • 5 points of Knowledge for High Quality Books.
If you have more Books in your Inventory, the first to be consumed will be those of superior quality.
The Knowledge decreases each day by:
  • 0.2 points if your Knowledge is between 1 and 100,
  • 0.4 points if your Knowledge is between 100 and 500,
  • 0.6 points if your Knowledge is between 500 and 1000.

My inventory – Real estate

In this section, you can see all the Real estate's you have in your Inventory. The energy for Real estate's is distributed each hour. Therefore:
  • for Houses you will receive 7/24 points of energy each hour,
  • for Villa you will receive 20/24 points of energy each hour,
  • for Palace you will receive 35/24 points of energy each hour
The Real estate's last for 30 days since buying. After you buy a Real estate, you can either move in and receive the points of energy, or you can put them for rent. The energy decreases by:
  • 5% each hour
  • 10% when you fight
  • 50% when you work

My inventory – Transport

In this section you can see the total stock of Gasoline and Kerosen you have and also the number of Cars and Airplanes. In order for the Cars and Airplanes to be used, make sure that you have enough fuel on stock. The Cars and the Airplanes can be used for personal transportation, or they can be rented.

My inventory – Weapons

In this section, you can see all the Weapons you have in your Inventory.
  • The Low Quality Weapons last for 5 fights
  • The Normal Quality Weapons last for 15 fights
  • The High Quality Weapons last for 25 fights
The Weapons are consumed in Referral Fights, Arena Fights or Wars, no matter if you attack or if you are attacked. If you have Weapons of the same type, they will be consumed consecutively, starting with the ones of superior quality. If you have Weapons of different types, they will be consumed altogether.

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